I’ve been crying all morning. My anxiety from work related stuff and personal life stuff has been steadily increasing. No matter what time I went to bed or woke up, I didn’t feel rested. No matter if I made time for self care, or if I was breaking my back to make sure everyone else had what they needed, I wasn’t feeling fulfilled. And today it all just came to a head. I clocked in, and had one little email with someone (innocently) just pointing something out to me based off of a conversation we previously had. I thought out this lengthy and rude response and then as I started to type it up, I thought to myself – what are you doing? First of all, this response is unnecessary. Secondly, this is not you. Didn’t you say you want a heart like Christ? This does not reflect that. This person did not say anything off the wall or rude, there is something misaligned within you if you are about to react this way. I knew I needed to walk away and reset because this was not the energy that I wanted today. And honestly, that’s what I had to do. I made sure my work for the next hour or so would be covered, and I had to spend some time realigning myself with the goal – to reflect Christ.

Throughout my morning I made note of some of the key components that help shift my mind, heart, and energy. I wanted to share because whether we want to admit it or not, I know we all have times like this and I think it is important to identify healthy ways to respond to these times and better yourself, so that on the other side you are stronger and better equipped to handle the next battle.

  1. Stay grounded in knowing that what you’re filled with really impacts what you give off. If you’re filled with anger that’s how you will respond. If you’re filled with hurt that’s how you will respond. That’s why it’s so important to stay filled with the love of Christ, so that you respond to people and situations with His love!
  2. Self-awareness – be mindful of how you are reacting to people and situations. Recognize when you’re irritable or stressed and that it impacts how you respond. Let’s get all the way real and admit, we know when we say something rude. We know when we had an unnecessary attitude with somebody.
  3. The people you keep around you and that you confide in should always point you back to wellness. WHO ARE YOUR PEOPLE? We’re gifted the presence of the Holy Spirit to always be with us so we are never really alone. But as humans there are times when for our flesh, it doesn’t FEEL like enough. We want the physical being to be there with us and support us. Who are you talking to? How do they speak to you? If your people aren’t redirecting you to wellness, you need new people. Do not isolate yourself – you don’t have to carry the burden alone!
  4. Go back to God – He longs for us to invite Him in so that He can flex His strength to support us. When we are weak, He is strong. Everything that we need is found in Him. So return to His presence, invite Him in, pray and LISTEN to what He has for you in these moments. Remind yourself of who He is and how He feels about you!
  5. Action – move different! I have this one manager at work that is always big on action items, and it’s influenced me to always look to identify action items to make progress. Once again, be mindful how you respond to people, how are you speaking to them? BREATHE, respond with love and patience.

My prayer when I returned home from clearing my mind and realigning myself was this – “God I know you can shift my energy. You’re big enough and strong enough. I invite you in to move. Fill me, so that all that flows from me is your love.” And as I journaled all that I experienced this morning, this beautiful and sweet gem of a person that is my nephew’s girlfriend messaged me with some bomb insight. You’re already empowered with everything you need for life and Godliness.

2 Peter 1:3 (TPT) Everything we could ever need for life and godliness has already been deposited in us by his divine power. For all this was lavished upon us through the rich experience of knowing him who has called us by name and invited us to come to him through a glorious manifestation of his goodness.

I wept in pure gratitude for hearing from the Father. My God, how he provides! While I thought that I was empty, through her He’s shown me that I’m not. All that I need, He’s already provided. I just needed to open myself up to allow for His grace to flow. To access the resources He already has given me. Thank you God for your faithfulness! Thank you God for your provisions. Thank you God for my people. Thank you God that I don’t have to do life by myself. Thank you God for the comfort that comes from knowing you.