
  • (in the Bible) occurring frequently at the end of a verse in Psalms and Habakkuk, probably as a musical direction; possibly meaning silence or pause.
  • It is an invitation to rest in His refuge and strength. Maybe He is accentuating something in our spirits, as if saying, “Wait, stop here. This is important.” Maybe “Selah” is a transition or pivot, a redirection away from harm or distraction and into His glorious grace and purpose. What Does “Selah” Mean? (

What it has meant in my life

If you go all the way back to my childhood, and asked anyone who knew of me or anyone from my family to tell you about me, I expect that you would get the same answer across the board. “Darcela was very shy and quiet. She doesn’t really talk much, if at all.”

For the majority of my life, I hid behind that exact sentiment- I am quiet, introverted, I don’t really like to socialize or meet new people. However, after a lifetime of growing in knowing and understanding myself, I can articulate my historical “quietness” so much better now.

In many cases, I had been conditioned from my unique life circumstances to believe that what I thought and felt did not matter. The way that I process and think is wrong or weird. And because I had not assimilated to the “norm” of the majority, I was in some way lesser than. I can point back to some specific moments as a child, teenager, and young adult, in which people directly expressed these views to me. However, a lot of this self-image came from false agreements I made with myself.

I am so happy with myself at this point in life. Not because I or my circumstances are perfect or all of my desires are fulfilled. But because I am growing in becoming more self aware, honoring myself for who I am and how I am, and learning to love and celebrate my uniqueness. It is such a beautiful journey, and I am understanding it to be the highest form of praise and glory I could ever offer to my God.

I have been meditating on Psalm 139 for a while now. I definitely encourage you to read the full (and short) chapter for yourself, however, the essence that has been rooted within me is the beautifully articulated respect for Elohim – the one who began it all, the creator of the heavens and the Earth, and Darcela!

13 For it was you who created my inward parts; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.

14 I will praise you because I have been remarkably and wondrously made. Your works are wondrous, and I know this very well.

From <>

Throughout the journey to get to this point, and the moments that I continue to have, that bring me to this space of feeling like I am truly alive and living the life that Jesus envisioned as he endured every lashing and hung on the cross have been these moments of pause – Selah.

I know I don’t have to break it down for anyone, that life be out here lifing! Adulting is definitely low rated, and the ways of the world constantly move the goalpost for what “arriving” supposedly means. However, I have found peace in appreciating that the duration of my life is purposed for loving God and loving people. To grow in my own relationship of knowing and loving God, and using my whole life to reveal His goodness to others by way of my own vulnerability and transparency and how I love and respect his beautiful creations – myself included! As I continue to mature as a disciple of Christ, I am also recognizing how he has commissioned me to also disciple others.

Selah Sunday is simply another way that I am aiming to do exactly that. I am inviting you all into these moments of pause, reflection, study, and worship in my own life – all for the glory of God.

Thank you Mrs. Jackie Hill Perry and Dr Sarita Lyons, for how you have surrendered you lives to God. Thank you for Glory 2023 and how you diligently seek his opinion and use your uniqueness to share His heart with His people.

Thank you Holy Spirit! I am so honored to experience every day of this lifetime to witness the harvest of souls across the nations around the world come to pass. May thy will be done and thy kingdom come!