• Widow
  • Single Mom
  • Daughter of the King
  • Valuable & Precious
  • Loved
  • Purposed
  • Salt & Light

Hello! For those that do not already know me personally, my name is Darcela. I work full time (and sometimes overtime!) as an Engineer in the Utility Industry, based in Philadelphia, PA. I consider myself to be a personable introvert: I am an introspective thinker, my comfort zone restricts my interactions from large groups, and my preference is to be on the outside looking in – however I am also typically friendly once I am comfortable. I’m a mommy – raising a toddler; a beautiful, sassy, little princess with a budding extrovert personality (yall, pray for me!). In 2019, at the age of 29, my husband unexpectedly passed away. Understandably, grieving the loss of my husband has been an eye-opening and defining period of my life.

I don’t ignore or disown what the world defines me as – a widow and single mother. I instead bind it with what Christ says that I am – loved, purposed, salt & light. Being an introvert, keeping to myself is my comfort zone. But maturing in faith and walking in all that God has called me to be has challenged my comfort zone. I am more open with others and I embrace the uncomfortable moments as opportunities to stimulate growth.

I have been on this beautiful journey of healing from grief and growing in faith. I recognize that I am not alone in having experienced suffering and adversity, so my hope for this blog is to curate an environment and culture of encouragement and support. We’re no longer isolating ourselves and suffering in silence, we’re going to share and heal together.