To be very frank, I intentionally have not allowed myself to be mentally invested in the COVID-19 development. I don’t watch the news updates; I don’t keep track of the increasing social restrictions or the climbing infection and death counts. The only updates I get are when it comes up in conversation with friends or family who have seen the latest info or if someone I follow on social media posts anything in regards to COVID. I just know myself, I know that I have worrier tendencies and feeding my mind with these things would not help me live a happy and comfortable life during all of this.

But today the thought of death crossed my mind. Initially I just had a flash of a thought indicating the obvious: there are many people around the world who have already been personally impacted by COVID-19. With every count of a COVID-19 death, there is a family that is still here, grieving their loved one. Instantly, my heart began to ache and my eyes filled with tears on behalf of these people. I know what it feels like. I know the pain of your loved one being here, just fine one day and then gone the next. I know the sorrow and bitterness that stirs in our flesh from the death of someone you love. I know the feelings – but my spirit is bigger! I stand against the heaviness of death with the power and support of all of Heaven and I pray.

Father, fill me. Fill me with more of you so that there is no room for sorrow and brokenness. My God, my heart aches for the many people in my city, in my nation, and around the world affected by COVID-19. I weep with them Lord, from imagining what they must be feeling right now and the many questions floating around in their minds. God, I pray for your peace to cover them right now. With so much unknown about this disease, when things will be better, how they will prepare services for their loved one, how to protect and keep the rest of their family safe and strong through all of this, God I pray for peace. Settle their minds and their hearts in the midst of the storm God. Send the stillness that comes from resting on your Word and your love God. Meet them where they are and provide what they need Father. Emotionally, spiritually, financially, God pour into them.

Father I humbly partner with you and call for your will to be done and your kingdom to come to this Earth. I pray for healing Father over every broken heart. I pray for freedom from brokenness, bitterness, and anger God. I pray for the power of the Holy Spirit to invade this earth God. I pray for the culture of Heaven to reign in our hearts, in our homes, and in our cities – all over the world. This disease will not win. It will not take away our peace or our joy.

I thank you Father that on this day, Good Friday, in which we celebrate and honor the life and sacrifice of the death of your son Jesus, I thank you that you chose to soften my heart in the direction of other people, God as it relates to death. I know that the deaths happening around us will have a significant impact on us. But I pray Lord, for that impact to be of submission and yielding to you Father. That we all come seeking more of you. I pray God as we draw nearer to you in our lowest moments that you build us up with your strength.

Father, regardless of the troubles surrounding us and what things may feel like today, I still honor you Lord. You are a good God, a good father. You are always in control and I submit my life to you Lord. I thank you now for the goodness I know that will come to pass. In Jesus’ name I pray.

I’m so thankful for Good Friday. How timely for the vision of a world scorned by death to come on this day. The day that we remember the death of Jesus. It’s not that we celebrate the death. We remember His death and celebrate the goodness of it’s purpose. That Christ, undeservingly suffered on the cross to save our lives. See II Corithians 3:7-18 (NLT) In Christ fulfilling this New Covenant for us all, we are reconciled with God. We can experience God’s grace, mercy, and eternal life. “The blood of Jesus reverses the curse of sin and raises the dead to life.”

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